Презентация на тему Знаменитые люди (Famous people). Презентация на тему: Великие люди России Презентация на тему имена известных людей

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Cлайд 1

Cлайд 2

Первый российский ученый - естествоиспытатель мирового значения, поэт, ставший основоположником современного русского языка, художник, историк, поборник развития отечественной науки и культуры, который до 9 лет был практически неграмотным. Вы без труда назовете его. (Михаил Васильевич Ломоносов.)

Cлайд 3

Это русский физик - создатель водородной бомбы. Как и многие ученые, представляющие себе катастрофические последствия применения их страшных разработок, выступал за запрещение испытаний ядерного оружия. Видный общественный деятель, он видел дальнейшее развитие человечества только в объединении усилий стран в борьбе с глобальными проблемами, выступил против ввода советских войск в Афганистан, за что был лишен всех пра вительственных наград. Европейским парламентом учреждена премия за гуманитарную деятельность в области прав человека, названная его именем. Кто же этот ученый - академик и общественный деятель-правозащитник? (Андрей Дмитриевич Сахаров.)

Cлайд 4

Известнейший русский врач-терапевт, один из основоположников клиники внутренних болезней как научной дисциплины в России, основатель крупнейшей школы русских клиницистов. Его именем названа известная московская больница, а также инфекционное заболевание. (Сергей Петрович Боткин.)

Cлайд 5

Великий российский биолог, с 1931 по 1940 год был президентом Всероссийского географического общества, академик АН СССР, основоположник современного учения о биологических основах селекции и учения о центрах происхождения культурных растений, который за свою приверженность генетике был репрессирован в сталинские времена. (Николай Иванович Вавилов.)

Cлайд 6

Имя этого русского ученого XIX века должны хорошо знать юные химики, ибо он - основатель русской научной школы органической химии. Благодаря его открытиям (реакция получения ароматических аминов) сейчас производят синтетические красители, душистые вещества, лекарственные средства. Кто же этот известный химик? (Николай Николаевич Зимин.)

Cлайд 7

Автоматы и пулеметы этого российского конструктора, родившегося в 1919 году, до сих пор считаются самыми лучшими в мире. Ими вооружаются армии многих стран. Вы без труда назовете фамилию этого изобретателя. (Михаил Тимофеевич Калашников.)

Cлайд 8

Именем основоположника комплекса современных наук о Земле - геохимии, биогеохимии, радиогеологии, гидрогеологии и др., названы его теории, послужившие основой для становления современной научной картины мира, например, учение о биосфере, живом веществе и эволюции биосферы в ноосферу, учение о взаимоотношении природы и общества, повлиявшее на становление современного экологического сознания. В его честь назван также Институт геохимии и аналитической химии Российской академии наук. Кто этот великий ученый России? (Владимир Иванович Вернадский.)

Cлайд 9

12 апреля 1961 года началась новая эпоха освоения космического пространства. А связана она с именем простого русского летчика... Кто этот человек, и какое событие произошло в этот день? (Юрий Алексеевич Гагарин, первый пилотируемый полет в космос.)

Cлайд 10

Известнейший российский физик XX столетия, создатель советской физической школы, пионер исследований полупроводников, экспериментально доказавший существование ионной проходимости в кристаллах, он внес большой вклад в применение полупроводников. Его учениками были такие великие физики, как А. П. Александ ров, П. Л. Капица, Г. В. Курдюмов, И. В. Курчатов и многие другие. Герой Социалистического Труда, обладатель многих правительственных наград и премий, член-корреспондент мировых академий и университетов. Умер в 1960 году. (Абрам Федорович Иоффе.)

Cлайд 11

В 1889 году в Петербургской Академии наук была названа первая женщина, удостоенная звания член-корреспондент, которое было ей присвоено за большие успехи в области математики. Кроме основных трудов по математическому анализу, механике и астрономии ей принадлежат и романы: «Нигилистка», «Воспоминания детства». Как же звали эту талантливую женщину? (Софья Васильевна Ковалевская.)

Cлайд 12

С именем этого великого ученого и конструктора XX столетия связаны полеты и баллистических ракет, и первых искусственных спутников Земли, и первый в истории пилотируемый полет, первый выход в открытый космос. Без сомнения, можно сказать, что наряду с Циолковским он стал отцом русской космонавтики. Кто же этот великий человек? (Сергей Павлович Королев.)

Cлайд 13

Этот академик, российский физик, трижды Герой Советского Союза, стал организатором и руководителем работ по атомной науке и технике. Под его непосредственным руководством сооружен первый отечественный циклотрон, разработана противоминная защита кораблей, созданы первый в Европе атомный реактор, первая в СССР атомная бомба, первая в мире термоядерная бомба. Кто же этот укротитель «мирного и немирного» атома? (Игорь Васильевич Курчатов.)

Cлайд 14

В Великую Отечественную войну в небе громили фашистов истребители, созданные российским авиаконструктором, генерал-майором инженерно-авиационной службы, который позже разработал и ряд реактивных самолетов. Для подсказки фамилии этого великого российского конструктора приведем одно из названий созданных им истребителей ЛАГГ- 3. (Семен Алексеевич Лавочкин.)

Cлайд 15

Первый космонавт мира - Юрий Гагарин. А кто пилотировал корабль «Восход-2», знаменитый первым в истории выходом в космос? (Алексей Архипович Леонов.)

Cлайд 16

Открытие этого российского математика, опубликованное в 1826 году, не получило признания современников, но совершило переворот в представлении о природе пространства. Кто же этот ученый, повлиявший на дальнейшее развитие математики в целом? (Николай Иванович Лобачевский.)

Cлайд 17

Разносторонний ученый конца XIX - начала XX века. Но миру он известен, прежде всего, как автор фундаментальных исследований по химии, химической технологии (чего стоит один промышленный способ фракционного разделения нефти), одного из видов бездымного пороха и очень интересной системы, которую видел каждый школьник... Кто этот ученый, и о какой системе идет речь? (Дмитрий Иванович Менделеев, периодическая таблица Менделеева.)

Cлайд 18

Этот известнейший российский биолог и патолог XIX века, один из основателей иммунологии, создатель цикла работ, посвященных эпидемиологии многих заболеваний, уделял большое внимание проблеме старения, по лагая, что старость, как и любую болезнь, можно лечить. Создатель русской школы микробиологов и иммунологов, долгие годы работал в Париже. Его фамилию носят в России улицы, больницы многих городов. Кто же этот великий ученый? (Илья Ильич Мечников.)

Cлайд 19

Сверхзвуковые самолеты, разработанные под руководством этого авиаконструктора, стояли и стоят на вооружении нашей армии. Это плеяда истребителей МИГов, на которых было установлено в свое время 55 мировых рекордов. Кто же этот инженер-конструктор? (Артем Иванович Микоян.)

Cлайд 20

Известнейший биолог-селекционер, наш земляк, автор многих сортов плодово-ягодных культур, разработавший методы их селекции. Да, тех, кто занимается выращиванием или разведением садовых культур, часто называют его именем, вернее, фамилией. (Иван Владимирович Мичурин.)

Cлайд 21

Когда мы говорим об инстинктах, то вспоминаем человека, с которым связано все условное и безусловное в нашей жизни. Он - основоположник крупнейшей физиологической школы современности, его исследования нервной деятельности оказали огромное влияние на развитие физиологии, медицины, психологии и педагогики. Теперь вы без труда назовете этого ученого. (Иван Петрович Павлов.)

Cлайд 22

Знаете ли вы человека, с именем которого связаны создание радиоприемника и вообще принцип беспроволочной передачи информации? Вот его слова: «Я горд тем, что родился русским. И если не современники, то, может быть, потомки наши поймут, сколь велика моя преданность нашей родине и как счастлив я, что не за рубежом, а в России открыто новое средство связи». (Александр Степанович Попов.)

Cлайд 23

Кто из женщин первым покорил космическое пространство? (Валентина Владимировна Терешкова.)

Cлайд 24

Великий российский авиаконструктор, генерал-полковник, разработчик знаменитых российских самолетов, в том числе первого реактивного пассажирского. На его машинах совершено 28 уникальных перелета, один из которых - перелет В.П. Чкалова и М.М. Громова через Северный полюс в США. И до сих пор авиалайнеры, носящие имя своего создателя, перевозят пассажиров и грузы в дальние точки России, и многих стран мира. (Андрей Николаевич Туполев.)

Cлайд 25

Его считают основоположником мировой космонавтики. В детстве, потеряв слух, он самостоятельно занимался своим образованием, работал до конца своих дней учителем физики и математики в Калуге. Именно он впервые обосновал возможность использования ракет для межпланетных сообщений, нашел ряд важнейших инженерных решений конструкции ракет и жидкостного ракетного двигателя. А еще он развивал так называемую «космическую философию», идеи которой легли в основу русского космизма. Кто же этот ученый-изобретатель? (Константин Эдуардович Циолковский.)

Cлайд 26

Эти двое крепостных заводчиков Демидовых, отец и сын, стали первыми конструкторами паровых машин, которых они за свою деятельность изготовили более 20. А в 1834 году был создан первый паровоз. Теперь вы без труда назовете фамилию известных русских изобретателей, которые долгое время так и оставались крепостными Демидовых. (Ефим Алексеевич и Мирон Ефимович Черепановы.)

Cлайд 27

В Париже в 1878 году состоялась Всемирная выставка, на которой была продемонстрирована система освещения, получившая название «русский свет». Знаете ли вы великого российского электротехника, кому мы обязаны этим изобретением и использованием электрической лампочки? (Павел Николаевич Яблочков.)

Cлайд 28

Этот ученый внес огромный вклад в развитие науки о Земле. Он заключил, что наибольшая часть солнечной радиации поглощается Мировым океаном. Эта энергия расходуется в основном на испарение воды, вызывая её круговорот. Поэтому океаны, огромные резервуары тепла и влаги, играют гигантскую роль в формировании климата Земли. Наряду с американским ученым М.Ф. Мори он стал основоположником учения о взаимодействии океана с атмосферой. (Эмилий Христианович Ленц.)

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

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Описание слайда:

Mary Anning. Mary Anning was a British fossil collector, dealer and paleontologist who became known around the world for a number of important finds she made in the Jurassic age marine fossil beds at Lyme Regis where she lived. Her work contributed to the fundamental changes in scientific thinking about prehistoric life and the history of the earth that occurred in the early 19th century. Anning searched for fossils in the area"s Blue Lias cliffs, particularly during the winter months when landslides exposed new fossils that had to be collected quickly, before they were lost to the sea. It was dangerous work, and she nearly lost her life in 1833 during a landslide that killed her dog Tray. Her discoveries included the first ichthyosaur skeleton to be correctly identified, which she and her brother Joseph found when she was just twelve years old; the first two plesiosaur skeletons ever found; the first pterosaur skeleton located outside Germany; and some important fish fossils. Her observations played a key role in the discoveries that belemnite fossils contained fossilised ink sacs, and that coprolites, known as bezoar stones at the time, were fossilised faeces. When geologist Henry De la Beche painted Duria Antiquior, the first widely circulated pictorial representation of a scene from prehistoric life derived from fossil reconstructions, he based it largely on fossils Anning had found, and sold prints of it for her benefit. 1799 -1847

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Charles Dodgson. Charles Dodgson (pen name Lewis Carroll) was a teacher of Mathematics at the University of Oxford. In 1862 he wrote a fantasy book called Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. He wrote it for a girl named Alice Liddell. The main character of the book is also called Alice. Alice travels in Wonderland and meets strange people, animals, cards, kings, a knight, queens, twin brothers and some other crazy character. One of the characters in this fantasy world is the Cheshire Cat. He can smile and disappear. Lewis Carroll also wrote some funny poems about crocodiles, cats and mice, and a very strange character called Jabberwocky. Children in Russia, China, Italy, Brazil and many other countries like reading his poems and fantasy stories. 1832- 1898

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Francis Drake. Sir Francis Drake was an English pirate and explorer. He set off from Plymouth for Egypt in 1577. But his ships sailed north-west across the Atlantic and he reached South America. They attacked Spanish ships there and took their food. Captain Drake sailed round the continent of South America. He discovered some hills to the south of the Antarctic and South America. Then he went north and was the first person from Europe to reach the west coast of North America. He met Native Americans there. Sir Francis Drake explored a new way home from North America. He was the second captain to sail around the world. He came back home in August, 1588. 1540 -1596

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Nikolai Mikhaylovich Przhevalsky. Nikolai Mikhaylovich Przhevalsky as a Russian explorer and soldier. In 1867 he set off from St Petersburg for Irkutsk in Siberia. There he explored the river Ussuri. Then he went to Mongolia and the mountains of Tibet. He made maps of those places, and discovered a truly wild horse later named after him. He set off for the town of Lhasa, in Tibet, but he didn’t reach it. During his third visit to Central Asia he saw the beautiful lake of koko Nor, or Blue Lake, the largest lake in China. April 12, 1839 - November 1

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Marco Polo went to China. He set off from Italy with his father and uncle in 1271. They travelled to the west on horses and camels. Marko Polo lived in Russia for 17 years. He discovered lots of new things there. He discovered coffee and spaghetti. He saw that people there used bicycles and they put coal on their fires. He explored China and came back by boat in 1295. He took lots of gold from China but his special treasure was his CD about his travels there. It became the greatest travelogue in the world. Marco Polo. 1254- 1324

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James Cook. James Cook set off from Plymouth in August 1768 and went south. He wanted to discover a new land there. He didn’t find the Antarctic on this trip, but he discovered and mapped some new island. He reached New Zealand and discovered that it was two islands. He met Maori people there. Captain Cook also explored and mapped the east coast of Australia. He saw koalas and kangaroos in Australia. He came back home in July, 1771. 1728 - 1779

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Daniel Defoe. Daniel Defoe is an English writer most famous for the novel “Robinson Crusoe”. Besides this novel Defoe also wrote such novels as ‘’The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders”, “lady Roxana” and “Journal and the Plague Year” where he described the horrible Great Plague that devastated London in 1665. Defoe wrote a lot6 he published more than 259 works. Besides being a writer Defoe was a journalist and he edited the newspaper “The reviewer” during 9 years. 1660-1731

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Charles Darwin. Charles Darwin is a well-known scientist. The scientist Charles Darwin was born at the beginning of the 19th centry, in 1809. As a boy, Charles collected all kinds of things, minerals, birds’ eggs, insects. He carried out chemical experiments in the school garden. His nickname was ‘’Gas’’. After there years of study at Cambridge University he made a voyage round the world. During the 5 years he studied many different kinds of plants and animal in all parts of the world. Little by little Darwin built up his famous theory. His theory of evolution opened a new period in the development of the science of biology, the Darwinian period. Charles Darwin died in 1882 and was buried in Westminster Abbey. 1809-1882

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1788-1824 George Noel Gordon Byron. George Noel Gordon Byron was born in 1788 into a noble family and at of 10 he became a lord. He traveled a lot, visited Italy and Greece; later h left his motherland and lived in Switzerland and Italy. In Italy he took part in the movement which was fighting for the country’s liberty. Later he moved to Greece where he took part in a similar movement and where he died from fever in 1824. This poet was very noble. He was a very talented poet, he wrote romantic and satirical poems, as well as historical tragedies. His most famous poem is “Chiled Harold’s pilgrimage”.

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Mark Twain. 1835-1910 Mark Twain was born in Missouri in 1835. He is the leading humorous writen of the 19th centry. His real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens. He is best know for the novels “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” and “The Adventures Huckleberry Finn”. He also wrote travel books and essays. Many of them were based on his experience of life on the Mississippi River. Among his other books there are the historical novels “The Prince and the Pauper” and “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s court” and an account of his early life “ Life on the Mississippi”. He died in 1910 at the age of 75.

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Joseph Turner. 1775-1851 Joseph Turner was born in 1775 in London. He was very found of nature. His father was a barber. During his trip he liked to draw ruined abbeys and castles. He was famous for the wonderful colours of his pictures and was a master of water colours. Most of his pictures were landscapes and sea pictures. Joseph Turner died in 1851.

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John Lennon. 1940-1980. John Lennon was found of drawing and writing short poems. He also played the guitar. At the age of 16 he created his first music group called “Quarrymen”. John became a member of “ The Beatles” in 1957. His second wife was Yoko Ono, a Japanese avant-garde painter. He fought for peace in the world. John Lennon wrote the song called “Give Peace Chance”.

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Christopher Wren. 1632 -1723 In the Great London Fire of 1666, 3,000 houses and 97 churches were destroyed. After the Fire, London was rebuilt, but the new houses were built of stone and brick instead of wood. The streets were made wider and open space was left for squares. An opportunity to plan the new city of London was given to Sir Christopher Wren, the famous English architect. More then fifty new churches and a large number of houses were designed by Wren. St. Paul’s Cathedral was designed by Christopher Wren in the Gothic style. Sir Christopher Wren was buried here at the age of 91.

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George Washington. He was the first person to be elected the President of the United States. George Washington was born in Virginia, just south of Washington, D. C. He grew up on a large farm. George Washington went to school for about eight years. He especially liked to study mathematics. He also liked to study history and geography, because he wanted to know about other parts of the world. George Washington led the American army in many battles during the War for American Idependence. 1732 - 1799

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Ernest Hemingway. 1899-1961 Ernest Hemingway was born in Oak Park, Illinois, in 1899. He was one of Hollywood’s favorite authors. His books The Old Man and the Sea ,The Sun Also Rises, and A Farewell to Arms were made into films. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954. As a hunter, fisherman, boxer, soldier, war correspondent, and author, Hemingway led a life of action. Hemingway wrote six novels and more than 50 short stories. His early shot fiction was greatly influenced by his outdoor life in the American mid-west.

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Jack London. 1876 -1916 Jack London was born in 1876 in San Francisco, California. His family was very poor, so Jack had to leave school to make money. In 1897, he went to Alaska to find gold. Instead, he found ideas for his stories there. He is best known for his book ”The Call of the Wild” the story of the adventures of a dog in the frozen north. His writings were very popular and he became rich and famous before the age of 30. Jack London died in 1916.

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Emily Dickinson. 1803-1886 Emily Dickinson was an American poet. She is now recognized as one of the greatest poets of 19th-centure America. Emily Dickinson was born in Amherst, Massachusetts. She lived there her whole life. She led an isolated life. Her life experiences were very limited, but still her poems deal with the general problems and concerns of the time in which she lived. Only 7 of more than 1000 of her poems were published during her lifetime. They were published anonymously.

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Robert Lee Frost. 1874-1963 Robert Frost was born in San Francisco, California, but spent most of his life in New England. New England greatly influenced his poetry. Robert Frost used simple words and ideas in his writing, but his poems were often very profound. He won Pulitzer Prizes in 1924, 1931, 1937 and 1943. The United States government awarded him a medal “in recognition of his poet, which has enriched the culture of the United States and the philosophy of the world”. Robert Lee Frost died in 1963.

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Ray Bradbury. Ray Bradbury is an American author of many imaginative science- fiction short stories and five novels. Some of his stories are important, because they discuss the hazards of runaway technology. For example, in one of his most famous short stories, The Martian Chronicles, a peaceful civilization on Mars is corrupted and destroyed by materialistic Earthmen. Ray Bradbury has also written stage plays and several television and motion-picture screenplays, including Moby Dick (with John Houston). b.1920

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Ansel Adams. 1902-1984 Ansel Adams was a famous photographer, who is best known for his black-and-white Iandscapes. Mane of his photos are of the great national parks of the American West. His photos are so beautiful that visitors of the national parks who have seen Adam’s photos are often disappointed when they see the real thing! Ansel Adams died in 1984.

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Georgia O’Keefe. 1887-1986. Georgia O’Keefe was a popular American painter. She was born in Wisconsin. She was the child of an Irish father and a Hungarian-Dutch mother. Georgia O’Keefe had a unique style of painting. She took natural objects such as flowers and painted them in their simplest from. She often painted close-ups of her subjects. She loved the deserts in the state of New Mexico so much that she moved there in 1946. Cows’ skulls and оther bare bones found in the desert became common subjects in her paintings. Other subjects included rocks, clouds, and the horizon lines of the desert. Paintings by Georgia O’Keefe can be found at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.

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Norman Rockwell. 1894-1978 Norman Rockwell was a very popular American Illustrator. He usually painted events in small American towns or American family life. Many of his paintings tell funny stories. He even did illustrations for editions of Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Since his death, Rockwell’s paintings have become Valuable collector’s items. Norman Rockwell was born in 1978.

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Walt Disney. 1901-1966 Walt Disney was an American artist and film producer, who was famous for his animated cartoons. He developed many new techniques in producing cartoons. His most famous characters are Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Pluto. In the 1950’s and 1960’s, Walt Disney began developing the family-entertainment parks, Disneyland and Disney World. Walt Disney died in 1966.

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Chuck Jones. b.1912 Charles Martin Jones is a popular American animator. He was born in 1912 in Spokane, Washington, but grew up in Los Angeles, California. His family moved around a lot, so they lived in rented houses. His parents strongly encouraged him to read. The author that most influenced his work was Mark Twain. Every one of their rented house had a library. Chuck Jones once said,” We didn’t have a phonograph until I was twelve, a radio until I was seventeen, or a television until I was forty-six. So that left books… One fateful day out family moved into a rented house, furnished with a complete set of Mark Twain, and my life changed forever.” He especially liked Mark Twain’s description of a coyote, which inspired the creation of one of Jones’ most popular characters, Wile E. Coyote. Chuck Jones also perfected Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, and created the Roadrunner. These are all popular cartoon characters you can see on television in America. Chuck Jones also helped to design an the Capital Children’s Museum in Washington, D.C. he exhibition is an animation studio where children learn how to animate cartoons!

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Orville and Wilbur Wright. The Wright brothers invented, built, and flew the first airplane on December 7,1903, at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. They reported their flight in a letter to government officials in Washington, D.C., but such an achievement was considered impossible. Therefore, their letter was ignored. It was not until 1908 that the Wright brothers gained worldwide fame. You can see the Kitty Hawk Flyer on display at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C. 1871-1948 1867-1912

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Christopher Columbus. Christopher Columbus set off from the south coast of Spain in 1492. He wanted to go to India. But he didn’t find it. He went west and reached the Bahamas in America. Columbus discovered the ‘New World’. He explored the coasts and named some island there. Columbus met the people who already lived there and discovered potatoes and sweet corn. And he saw some strange trees with big yellow fruit. They were cocoa trees. 1451-1506

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Henry Ford. 1863-1947 Henry Ford was born in 1863. He was a man who transformed the world. The car he built changed the lives of people everywhere. In 1896, Ford succeeded in building an automobile powered by a gasoline engine. He built this engine in his kitchen sink. In 1903, Henry Ford established the Ford Motor Company and introduced the Model T Ford. Henry Ford wanted to make a car that everyone would be able to afford. He was able to lower the price of the Model T from $850 to $360 by introducing mass production assembly line techniques. On a assembly line each person has one specific job and, therefore, can do it faster and more efficiently.

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Alexander Graham Bell. 1847-1922 Alexander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1847. He invented the first telephone in 1876 and became a citizen of the United States in 1882. Bell was a modest humanitarian who once told his family that he would rather be remembered as a teacher of the deaf than as the inventor of the telephone. Both his mother and his wife were deaf. In tribute to Scotland and America, the inscription on Bell’s garve reads: Born in Edinburgh… died a citizen of the United States of America”.

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Tomas Jefferson. 1743-1826 Thomas Jefferson was born in Virginia in 1743. He is best known as the third president of the United States (1801-1809) and the author of the Declaration of Independence. But he (1776) was also a self-taught architect. He introduced the simple classical design to America when he designed the Virginia State Capitol building. He also designed his own home. Jefferson remained the most influential architect of his time.

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John C. Portman Jr. b. 1924 Born December 4, 1924, Portman has lived in Atlanta most of his life. He attended the U. S. Naval Academy and served in the U. S. Navy during World War II. He received a Bachelor’s of Science in architecture from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1950. Portman opened his own firm in1953. He has designed and developed projects in major U. S., European and Asian cities. Two books have been written about his work. Atlanta is the city of tours. It has helicopter tours, boat tours, but tours, walking tours and, of course, glass elevators tours. Glass elevators offer views of Atlanta scenery and operate 24-hours a day free of charge. Many outdoor elevators provide a panoramic view of the city’s landscape and structure. Wonderful glass elevators located vertically along the buildings are designed by John C. Portman.

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Frank Lloyd Wright. 1869-1959 Frank Lloyd Wright is the greatest American architect of all times. During his 70-year professional career, he made important contributions to the modern movement in architecture. Wright’s mother gave him paper, blocks, and other simple material to play with when he was young. She would help him arrange these materials to build things. He later said that this training affected his architecture. Wright introduced many new concepts to contemporary architecture. He believed that the design of a building should depend on its purpose. He actually changed the way Americans lived. He designed homes that were less crowded and had more space. You can see his concept of “space in motion” in his design of the Guggenheim Museum in New York City.

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Elvis Presley. 1935-1977 Elvis Presley was known as “The King” of rock ‘n’roll. He was born in Mississippi in 1935. At the age of 13, Elvis and his family moved to Memphis, Tennessee. There Elvis recorder his first song in 1954. He sold millions of records, served in the army, moved to Hollywood and appeared in 33 films. Elvis brought together the musical sounds of the blacks in America and country people. His songs started a new period in American music. Elvis was the most popular performer of his day. At the news of his death in 1977, thousands of people gathered outside his home in Memphis. Elvis’ songs are still popular today. People love to imitate him. There is even an Elvis Presley Impersonation Society. Elvis impersonators dress up like Elvis and sing on stage. Some of them actually wish they were Elvis!

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Louis Armstrong. Louis Armstrong was a singer and trumpet player, who was a major force in shaping jazz music in America in the 1920’s. He introduced new ideas to jazz and was known as the “Kind of Jazz.” Louis Armstrong was the first jazz soloist to receive worldwide recognition. His musical career began in the streets of New Orleans, where he sang for pennies with other poor black children. His unique style had a major influence on his generation of trumpeters as well as other instrumentalists. 1900-1971

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Barbra Streisand. b.1942 Barbra Streisand is an American singer and actress. Her beautiful voice and outgoing personality have made her one of the most successful performers in contemporary times. She was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1942. Her Broadway performance in the musical “Funny Girl” in 1964 made her a major star.

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Stephen Spielberg. b.1947 Stephen Spielberg is regarded as the most successful director in Hollywood today. He is well known for his imaginative movie making and has helped to create a new generation of filmmakers. His 1982 movie “E.T.” is about the adventures of a frightened extraterrestrial creature stranded on earth. “E.T.” is a children’s movie and a character loved by children and adults!

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Harriet Tubman. 1821-1913 Harriet Tubman was born into slavery in 1821 and began working in a field at an early age. She was illiterate. That means she never learned how to read or write. Tubman escaper to the North in 1849 and then returned to the South to help lead more that 300 slaves to freedom. She continued to work for the equal rights of black people until the day she died in 1913.

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Abraham Lincoln. 1809-1865 The life story of the sixteenth president of the United States is famous, because it has become the typical story of American success. Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin to a poor family and grew up to become the President of the United States. He only attended school for a total of about one year. With the help of his stepmother, he taught himself how to read and write. Abraham Lincoln is well-known and loved by Americans for his honesty, intelligence, and humanity. When Lincoln was elected president in 1860, the question of slavery had become the most controversial national issue. Lincoln strongly opposed slavery. About six weeks after his inauguration, the American Civil War began. The Civil war was a was between the North and the South over the issue of slavery. In 1863, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, giving political freedom to three million blacks living in the South. The Proclamation restored the anti-slavery clause which had been cut from the Declaration of Independence. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, a popular young actor, during a theater performance at Ford’s Theater in Washington, D.C.

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Benjamin Franklin. 1706-1790 Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston, Massachusetts. He was the son of a candle maker. Although his family was poor, he worked hard and became a printer, writer, philosopher, scientist, and diplomat. He believed that only in a democratic country like America could a poor boy have the possibility of becoming one of the most famous and powerful men in the world. His Autobiography is probably the best-known and most widely read autobiography in the world. In this book he summarized his view that through hard work, thrift and honesty a poor man might release himself from the prison of poverty. He wrote many quotations about how to live, such as ”When you run in debt, you give another power over your liberty.” Every morning he asked himself, ‘’What good shall I do this day?” And every night he asked himself, “What good have I done today?” Benjamin Franklin was always interested in scientific experiments. He invented the Franklin stove, which produced more heat with less fuel. In 1752, he performed an experiment with a kite and proved the theory that lightning is a from of electricity. He then developed the lightning rod, which saved buildings from fire. Benjamin Franklin also realized he was an American, not an Englishman, and helped to write the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. After the U.S. declared independence in 1776, Franklin lived in France. He was the U.S. Ambassador to France during the American Revolution. He lived in France for nearly a decade, where he used his diplomacy and leadership skills. There he became the symbol of a new nation.

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Eleanor Roosevelt. 1884-1962 Eleanor Roosevelt was one of America’s great reforming leader, who had a big impact on national policy toward youth, blacks, women, and the poor. She worked hard to improve housing, education, health, and the status of minority groups. As the wife of the 32nd President of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt, she was the country’s most active First Lady. She traveled all over the world, giving lectures and meeting with world leaders. She wrote many newspaper and magazine articles and made many radio and television appearances. She advised her husband, wrote many articles, gave lectures all over the world, and worked with all level of government to improve housing, education, and health in the United States. After her husband’s death she was appointed delegate to the United Nations, where she helped write the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. After her husband’s death, Eleanor Roosevelt was appointed by two presidents to serve as a member of the United Nations. She was interested in refugee matters. For years Eleanor Roosevelt was called the most admired woman in the world.

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Andrei Sakharov. 1921-1989 Andrei Dmitriyevich Sakharov was a distinguished scientist and a great human being. In the modern world heroes are hard to find, but they are essential to the improvement of society. Andrei Sakharov was one of the best representatives of humankind. He could teach and inspire. His influence was consistent and increasing at the time of his untimely death. Sakharov received the honour and glory of his country for his outstanding work in physics which led to the Soviet hydrogen bomb. He could have spent the rest of his life in wealth enjoying the respect of his countrymen, but when he saw abuse of power, he chose instead to use his prestige to fight the authorities who had recently honoured him. He was treated with unbelievable indignity and cruelty. He was not allowed to continue his scientific work. He was exiled and he and his wife were denied needed medical attention. But he acted with strong willpower and firmness. It was hard to make him submit. Many refused to accept Sakharov as a hero because of his sot and steady voice, untypical for this world of ours. He was without affectation, but firm and reliable. To the credit of M. Gorbachev Sakharov was freed, and even allowed to travel abroad. Again that would have been a time to relax. Instead he continued to stand his ground- to struggle for democracy. He never criticized the system, however, without offering constructive proposals. He risked not only his career but physical harm by speaking out when too many others were silent. Nevertheless, his conscience and his civic duty, not his welfare, guided his actions. Andrei Sakharov set a standard for the modern hero. Few will achieve his level, but many will fight injustice more fiercely because of his example. Sakharov can be called a steady and lucid flame of the nation. He was, for all his idealism, a profound political thinker. People like Sakharov are marked with a seal of Providence. In a sea of immorality, someone has to carry the burden of providing an example of morality. It is a heavy burden. His live was a feat, his death, a soldiers death, was symbolic. Andrei Dmitriyevich Sakharov died in 1989.

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Archibald Joseph Cronin. 1896-1981 A. J. Cronin, a Scottish novelist and physician, was born in Scotland. He became a doctor, dreaming of his own practice and scientific investigations, but he had to join the military service, and served as a surgeon in the Navy during World War I. After the war he worked as a doctor in South Wales among miners and described what he saw in his books “The Citadel” and “The Stars Look down”. Soon he moved to London where although he was a modest, unknown doctor, he became popular. In 1930 A. J. Cronin fell ill and gave up his practice. Needing a long rest he moved to Scotland where he devoted himself to literature entirely. His main works are: “The Stars Look Down” (1934), “The Citadel”(1937), “The Keys to the Kingdom”(1941), “The Green Years”(1944), and “Snannon’s Way”(1945), among others. They are all quite important in English literature of this century. They make his readers think about the meaning of life, relations between people and their fates in contemporary society.

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Arkhip Ivanovich Kuinji. 1842-1910 Kuinji was one of the greatest landscapists of the close of the 19th century. He painted many big canvases in which he created majestic and poetic images of our country. An amazing feature of Kuinji’s work is the breadth of his range: his paintings convey the charm of nature in the north, in the south of the Ukraine, and in central Russia. He especially liked to portray the unique beauty that beauty that bright sunlight or cold moonlight communicates to a landscape. The earliest of Kuinji’s paintings exhibited at the Tretyakov Gallery is a landscape ”On the isle of Valaam”. In a letter to P. M. Tretyakov, I. Y. Repin wrote: “The picture shows the stern northern nature. It is also remarkable for its amazing silvery tone… The granite plane is illumined by cold sunlight; in the distance, the woods over a small river and the weeds disappear in the gloom under heavy clouds…” The well-known painting “Birch Copse”(1879) is arresting for the beautiful effect in it of light and shadow and the delightfully graceful silhouettes of trees against a pale-blue sky. ‘’Birch Copse” is outgoing for its generalized composition and drawing. In it the painter has masterfully conveyed the coolness in the grove, spots of sunlight falling on a meadow through the foliage, and the velvet of lush grass. “After a Thunder-Storm”(1878) is also built up on a picturesque contrast between a wet meadow lit up by the sun and a dark leaden cloud receding into the distance. “The Dnieper in the Morning”(1881) is likewise one of Kuinji’s best works. In it the painter dives a view of his beloved Dnieper wrapped in morning mist as seen from a steep bank overgrown with grass and its tranquil and smooth course among his native fields. “Night on the Dnieper”(1880), in which Kuinji masterfully shows a sparkling reflection of the moon on the surface of the river, is a very striking painting.

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Ethel Lilian Voynich. 1864-1960 Ethel Lilian Voynich was an English writer. She was born in 1864 in the family of George Bull, an Irish professor mathematics. In her youth she had to experience many hardships. Under the influence of her husband, a Polish revolutionary named Mikhail Voynich, she got interested in illegal revolutionary work. In the 1890s she turned to literature, and in 1897 the novel “The Gadfly” appeared. The action of the novel takes place in the 1830s and 40s. The main theme of the book is the struggle of the people of Italy for national independence against the Austrian rulers. The main characters of the novel – Arthur Burton, Gemma, Martini – are the most active members of the secret society “Free Italy.” Arthur Burton, an eighteen-year-old student of philosophy, makes up his mind to devote himself to the liberation Italy. He thinks that God will help the people. However, betrayed by Padre Montanelli, the man he loved with all his heart, he realizes that religion helps the enemy. He leaves Italy for the Argentine, where he fight for the liberation of that country. He returns to Italy thirteen years later, talking up the name of Feliche Rivares, a journalist, who has a bad reputation of being ruthless to his enemies. He writes pamphlets against the church and signs them with “The Gadfly”. The Gadfly is a man of strong passions and willpower. He loves life passionately, but he is ready to die for his ideas because they mean more to him than his own life. His enemies execute him, but the book is full of confidence in the revolutionaries.

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Ivan Nikolayevich Kramskoi. 1837-1887 I. N. Kramskoi, the famous painter, was also a publicist, art critic and theorist, the ideologist of the progressive artists of the latter half of the 19th century in Russia. He was also one of the organisers of the Society of Travelling Art Exhibitions, to which the best of the realistic artists belonged. Kramskoi was born in Ostrogozhsk, Voronezh Gubernia. As he was the son of a scribe, he had to start working early, and found employment as a retoucher in a photographer’s studio. In 1857 he was accepted in the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg. Throughout his life Kramskoi struggled for a vigorous, national art expressing progressive ideas, and his influence on his own generation of painters was great. He was an untiring fighter against everything false in art, against art that existed apart from reality and from the interests of the people, and which he termed “a frivolous pastime of empty people and parasites”. The best of his paintings are permeated with deep sympathy towards man and his inner life. He was in the main, a portrait painter, attaining in this genre not only unmistakable likeness, but also striking revelations of the spiritual and intellectual world of his models, as for example in the portraits of the writers Leo Tolstoi, N. Nekrasov, M. Saltykof-Shchedrin, the sculptor M. Antokolsky and other. “Portrait of L. N. Tolstoi”(1873) is one of the best example of realistic and psychological portraits. The portrait does not dazzle one by its colours, which are reserved and few or by a striking pose, as Tolstoi, wearing a plain shirt, is seated with his legs crossed and his hands folded on his knee in with his legs crossed and his hands folded on his knee in a very natural and simple attitude. At the same time the portrait is striking by the depth of its inner characterisation. The writer sits facing straight ahead, and his expression is one nearing sternness in its concentration. The artist has caught Tolstoi’s intent and piercing gaze with great mastery. “The Stranger”(1883) is another of the artist’s outstanding works. It is not a portrait of an individual woman, whose name has been forgotten or concealed by the painter, but, rather, a generalisation. Her face is beautiful, as are her eyes, shaded by heavy, dark lashes, her velvet coat, trimmed with fluffy fur and her whole figure, sharply accentuated against the haze of the winter day in St. Petersburg, are done with great mastery.

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Jerome Klapka Jerome. 1859-1927 In the history of English literature Jerome K. Jerome occupies a modest place, He cannot be compared with such literary figures as Dickens, Thackeray or Bernard Shaw, but he is well known as a writer-humorist not only in his country but in other countries too. Jerome Klapka Jerome was born in England, on May 2, 1859 in the family of a ruined businessman. The family moved to London, but there too the father was unsuccessful and could not pay his debts. Jerome’s childhood was poor and sad. He could not finish school because his father died in 1871 and the boy had to begin working to support his family. With the help of his father’s old friend he got the place of a clerk in the London Railway Office and received two pounds a week. Office work did not interest Jerome, and he took up teaching, journalism and acting. For three years he was an actor, first in amateur performances, later at small theatres. He had to play different parts. In “Hamlet”, as he wrote about it later, he had to play all the parts except that of Ophelia. But he had very little money and often went hungry and had no place to sleep in. In his free moments Jerome tried to write. He wrote plays, stories and articles. But nothing was published. His first literary success was a one-act comedy which was performed in the Globe Theatre in 1886 and ran there for some time. In 1889 a collection of his articles and short stories about theatre life was published. At the same time Jerome began to publish some of his articles which later made up a book under the title “The Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow”. This book became very popular in England. In the same year, Jerome’s best book “Three Men in a Boat” also came out. “The Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow” and “Three Men in a Boat” made the author famous. The books were translated into several European languages. In the following years Jerome produced several books and plays. He went travelling all over Europe and in 1899 he visited Petersburg where he was met with enthusiasm. He knew well Russia literature. Jerome k. Jerome also tried to write serious books but the readers did not like them. Several times Jerome expressed his anticolonial views on the policy of Britain in China and other countries of the East. He also criticised German imperialism. Jerome’s last book was his autobiography “My Life and Time”. He died in 1927.

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Karl Pavlovich Bryullov. 1799-1852 The art of “the genius Karl”, as Bryullov was called by his contemporaries, was marked by virtuosity in brushwork, unusual mastery in drawing and a brilliant knowledge of the laws of composition. Karl Bryullov was essentially an adherent of the Russian romantic movement. Like the French romantic painter Delacroix he often chose as his theme a dramatic historical event. One of the best known of such works was his “Last Day o Pompeii”(painted in Italy,1830- 1833, the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg), with its sharp contrast of the terrifying spectacle of nature’s blind destruction and human nobility. The masterly execution reflects the excellent training he has received at the Fine Arts Academy in St. Petersburg, whose member he was made and where he was later to teach. The painting was a tremendous success both in Russia and abroad. It was acclaimed by Walter Scott, and the artist was awarded a gold medal at an exhibition at the Louvre in 1834. Bryullov was elected honorary member of the Fine Arts academies of Milan, Bologna, Florence and Parma. At home he was henceforth the recognised coryphaeus of academic painting. He shared the romantic interest in the East and made a trip around Greece and Turkey in the 1830s. He made some masterly sketches of fighters of the Greek liberation struggle, which served as material for his subsequent large water colour “Sweet Waters Near Constantinople”. He excelled as a portrait painter. One of his best portraits was painted for a lottery, of which the proceeds were to be devoted to buying a serf pupil his freedom. The pupil was Taras Shevchenko, who was to become the Ukrainian national poet and artist. In his self-portrait (1848, Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow) he depicts himself ailing physically and morally after an illness which had overtaken him at the height of his power. The rich, varied palette – the pale, wan face, the golden curls, the deep, warm red of the armchair and the dark-brown shirt – testify to more than a passing familiarity with the 17th – century Flemish masters. His habit of keeping his eyes wide open to reality, a result of his training at the Academy, ensured that his romanticism always retained strong undercurrents of realism.

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Mikhail Lomonosov. Mikhail Lomonosov was born in 1711 in the family of a fisherman in the northern coastal village of Denisovka not far from Arkhangelsk. When he was ten years of age his father began to take him sea fishing. That dangerous life taught the precacious youngster to observe the phenomena of nature more closely. During the long winter nights the boy studied his letters, grammar and arithmetic diligently. Since he was the son of a peasant, he was refused admission to the town school, so he walked to Moscow. By concealing his peasant origin he gained admission to the Slavonic-Greek-Latin Academy and for five years lived from hand to mouth on 3 kopecks a day. The noblemen’s sons studying with him made fun of the twenty-year-old giant, who despite their jeers and his own desperate poverty, made rapid progress. After 5 years came the chance of entering the Academy of Sciences as there weren’t enough noble-born students to fill the quota. His ability and diligence attracted the attention of the professors, and as one of the best students he was sent abroad. He spent all the time there in delving into the work of leading European scientists studying chemistry, metallurgy, mining and mathematics. On his return to Russia in 1745 he was made a professor and the first Russian scientist to become a member of the Academy of Sciences. For versatility Lomonosov has no equal in Russian and world science. Many of his ideas and discoveries won recognition only in the 19th century. He was the first to discovered the vegetable origin of coal, for instance, and as a poet and scientist he played an eminent role in the formations of the Russia literary language, eliminating distortions and unnecessary foreign borrowings. He had a great thirst for knowledge. The great son of the Russia people Mikhail Lomonosov died in 1765. His living memorial is the Moscow University which he founded in 1755. How he would have appreciated the gigantic building which stands on the hills where Napoleon stood in 1812 to watch Moscow burn. 1711-1765

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Robert Burns. 1759-1796 R. Burns was the greatest poet of the 18th century. He is famous all over Scotland. One has only to speak to Scotchmen to feel the deep love and admiration for their outstanding countryman. R. Burns was born in the picturesque village of Alloway. His father was a poor farmer, but it was from his father that Robert received his learning and his love for books. His mother had a beautiful voice and taught him old Scottish songs and ballads, which he later turned into his best poems. At the age of 13 Robert began to work on the farm together with his father. Robert was a handsome young man, but he often suffered from illnesses because of the hard work and bad food. After his father’s death the young poet had to support his large family. His farming was a failure and he thought of leaving for Jamaica. In 1786 a few friends of Robert helped him to publish his first volume of poems. As the book was an immediate success, Robert Burns went to Edinburgh. He came into contact with some literary circles. He toured Scotland and Northern England collecting ballads and folk-tales. His countrymen loved their poet for his patriotism. Robert Burns died at the age of 37 at Dumfries, where he had serves as a tax collector for the last 6 years of his life. Upon his death he was declared the national poet of Scotland, and his birthday on Jan. 25, is always celebrated as a national holiday. Robert Burns is one of the most popular song writers of English literature. The whole world sings his songs: “Auld Lang Syne”, the tender love song “A red, red rose”, “My Heart’s in the Highlands”. His lovely poems are translated into many languages. The democratic and revolutionary spirit of Burns’s poetry brought him close to the revolutionary romantics of the 19th century.

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Князь Владимир Князь Владимир был выдающимся полководцем. При нём русское войско надёжно охраняло государство и не раз побеждало кочевников – печенегов и других врагов. Русь при Владимире Святом превратилась в огромную державу, о которой с уважением говорили в Европе. Его заслуженно называют Владимир Красно Солнышко.

Иван IV В 1547 году его торжественно венчали в Успенском соборе Кремля и стали звать царём всея Руси. Всю свою жизнь Иван IV вёл войны за присоединение к Московскому государству новых земель, за завоевание необходимых государству торговых путей к Каспийскому, Чёрному и Балтийскому морям. Граница государства продвинулась до Уральских гор и реки Урал, до Каспийского моря и предгорий Кавказа.

Пётр I Пётр I – первый император Российского государства. Он не переставал учиться новому всю свою жизнь, освоил несколько профессий, говорил на многих языках. Чтобы узнать о достижениях европейцев и набраться знаний, Пётр побывал в Германии, Гол- ландии, Англии. Он сам участвовал в строительстве больших кораблей – фрегатов, за что и назвали его царём – плотником. При Петре I была создана силь- ная армия, вооружённая новыми ружьями и пуш- ками.

Пётр I Желая укрепиться на берегах Балтийского моря, Пётр на- чал строительство нескольких крепостей и городов В устье Невы была основана Петро- павловская крепость. Рядом с ней был построен большой город, названный в честь его основателя Санкт-Петербур- гом (святым градом Петра). В 1713 году Санкт-Петербург был объявлен новой столицей Российского государства.

Михаил Васильевич Ломоносов Несмотря на крестьянское происхождение, благодаря своей настойчивости, трудолюбию и замечательным способностям, ему удалось поступить в Славяно-греко-латинскую академию. Там ему приходилось терпеть насмешки одноклассников, которые были намного младше его. В числе лучших учеников М.В.Ломоносов был отправлен в Германию. Вернувшись, он стал преподавателем Российской академии наук. По его настоянию в 1755 году был открыт Московский университет, который теперь носит его имя.

Михаил Васильевич Ломоносов Его считают родоначальни- ком российской науки. Успехи М.В.Ломоносова в исследованиях по химии, физике, астрономии, геоло- гии, географии, а также в стихосложении позволили ему стать первым русским академиком, примером для всех последующих рос- сийских учёных

Екатерина II В конце XVIII века империей правила Екатерина II. Она была умной, образованной и деятельной правительницей. В её правление ещё больше возросло могущество России. К России были присоединены Литва, часть Правобережной Украины и Белоруссия. Было покорено Крымское ханство. После тяжёлых войн с Турцией Россия получила выход к Чёрному морю.

Константин Георгиевич Жуков Г. К. Жуков был четырежды Героем Советского Союза (1939, 1944, 1945, 1956), Героем Монгольской Народной Республики (1969). Маршал был награжден шестью орденами Ленина, орденом Октябрьской Революции, двумя орденами «Победа», тремя орденами Красного Знамени, двумя орденами Суворова 1-й степени, почетным именным оружием (шашка), орденом Красного Знамени Тувинской Республики, а также двадцатью иностранными орденами.

Александр Николаевич Ткачёв Российский государственный и политический деятель, глава администрации (губернатор) Краснодарского края Российской Федерации, глава регионального отделения и член бюро высшего совета партии «Единая Россия». Доктор экономических наук. Президент футбольного клуба «Кубань». Российский государственный и политический деятель, глава администрации (губернатор) Краснодарского края Российской Федерации, глава регионального отделения и член бюро высшего совета партии «Единая Россия». Доктор экономических наук. Президент футбольного клуба «Кубань».

1 слайд

2 слайд

Для одних знаменитых и известных людей Бежецк - это родина. Здесь они родились, в самом ли городе или в деревне. Именно бежецкая земля родила человека, таинственным образом дала ему силы, дала ему судьбу, всю жизнь духовно питает человека.

3 слайд

Аракчеев Алексей Андреевич Русский государственный и военный деятель, барон (1797), граф (1799), генерал от артиллерии (1807). До 1783 года неоднократно жил с родителями в Бежецке, где семья владела городской усадьбой.

4 слайд

ближайший друг Пушкина и его издатель Самое «пушкинское» место в Бежецком районе - село Теблеши. В этом селе более двухсот лет назад родился, провел здесь детство и писал стихи о Теблешах Петр Александрович Плетнев, один из самых ближайших друзей Пушкина, издатель его сочинений. Великий роман «Евгений Онегин» начинается со стихотворного посвящения Плетневу: «Не мысля гордый свет забавить,/ Вниманье дружбы возлюбя...» Петр Александрович Плетнев -

5 слайд

Художники Тыранов и Самохвалов Александр Николаевич Самохвалов стоит в ряду крупнейших русских художников советского периода. И в некотором роде он художник уникальный, ибо первые образы новых, советских людей создал именно он. Самохвалов не только запечатлел черты их внешности, но он, прежде всего, воспел их, увековечил. Наш земляк Алексей Тыранов - не великий художник, но подлинный мастер. Его работы есть в разных музеях страны, в том числе в Третьяковской галерее, в Эрмитаже, в Русском музее. Он достойный ученик великих Венецианова и Брюллова.

6 слайд

Романист Вячеслав Шишков В Бежецке именем Шишкова В.Я. названы улица, школа, библиотека.

7 слайд

Солист Большого театра Иванов А.П. Народный артист СССР, солист Большого театра с 1938 по 1967 год Алексей Петрович Иванов родился в селе Чижово Бежецкого района.

8 слайд

Знаменитый балалаечник -Василий Васильевич Андреев Андреев Василий Васильевич, виртуоз-балалаечник. Родился в 1861 году в г. Бежецке Тверской губернии. В 1881 году занялся усовершенствованием народных великорусских музыкальных инструментов и образовал в Санкт-Петербурге из любителей игры на них так называемый великорусский оркестр из струнных, духовых, ударных.

9 слайд

Все это целый мир, состоящий из нескольких миров. Это такое богатство поэзии, мыслей, судеб, фактов, мнений и всего, всего, всего... Ахматова, Ахматова и Гумилев, один Гумилев, Ахматова и Гумилев и их сын

10 слайд

Покровитель Бежецкого края. Его судьба очень интересна. Владыка был нашим современником и священнослужитель высокого сана. Святой преподобный Нектарий Бежецкий икона «Собор Бежецких святых»

11 слайд

В Бежецке должны широко знать о выдающемся учителе русских художников-гениев, о Павле Петровиче Чистякове. Он был сам замечательным художников, но его работа в Академии художеств с В.Васнецовым, Суриковым, Поленовым, Валентином Серовым, Репиным, Врубелем принесла ему всероссийскую славу. Павел Петрович Чистяков

12 слайд

Виктор Сергеевич Попов – выдающийся хормейстер, художественный руководитель Большого детского хора телевидения и радио, бежечанин по рождению, народный артист СССР, профессор, художественный руководитель Академии хорового искусства. Виктор Сергеевич Попов

Слайд 2

Вопрос 1

  1. Родился 30 мая 1672 года
  2. Сын от второго брака царя Алексея Михайловича с Натальей Кирилловной Нарышкиной
  3. Знаменитый полководец
  4. Прорубил «окно в Европу»
  5. Первый Император всероссийский
  • Слайд 3

    Пётр Великий

  • Слайд 4

    Вопрос 2

    1. Лидер партии «Единая Россия». Кандидат экономических наук.
    2. Уроженец Ленинграда. Брат – погиб во время блокады Ленинграда. Жена - Людмила Александровна. Дочери Мария и Екатерина.
    3. В детстве занимался борьбой, самбо, дзюдо, достиг уровня мастера спорта. С большим интересом изучал иностранные языки.
    4. С 1970 по 1975 год обучался в Ленинградском государственном университете на юридическом факультете. После окончания университета работал в комитете государственной безопасности СССР. В 1985-1990 годах работал на территории Восточной Германии.С 1990 по 1998 работает на различных государственных постах, от помощником ректора ЛГУ по международным вопросам в 1990 до директора ФСБ и председателя совета безопасности в 1998.
    5. 7 октября 2012 года отметит своё 60-летие
  • Слайд 5

    Владимир Владимирович Путин

  • Слайд 6

    Вопрос 3

    1. Сын чигиринского сотника Михаила.
    2. Род из люблинского воеводства, герба "Абданк". Родился, вероятно, в конце XVI века.
    3. Первоначальное образование получил в киево-братской школе; затем, по словам польских историков, учился у иезуитов в Ярославле-Галицком и получил хорошее по тому времени образование.
    4. Кроме своего родного малорусского языка, он владел языками польским и латинским, а впоследствии научился еще языкам турецкому и французскому. Поступив в казацкое войско, участвовал в польско-турецкой войне 1620 - 1621 г.
    5. Знаменитый гетман Малороссии
  • Слайд 7

    Богдан Михайлович Хмельницкий

  • Слайд 8

    Вопрос 4

    1. Один из величайших русских поэтов и ученых (1711 - 1765). Это хорошо сознавали уже лучшие его современники. "все научные мемуары его- не только хороши, но даже превосходны", - говорит о его научных работах знаменитый Эйлер. Им, как и Державиным, зачитывались чуть не вплоть до самого Пушкина.
    2. "Между Петром I и Екатериною II он один является самобытным сподвижником просвещения. он создал первый университет; он, лучше сказать, сам был первым нашим университетом".
    3. Белинский окончательно восстановил поколебленную его славу как поэта. Белинский указывает на великое значение его поэзии в общем историческом ходе нашего литературного развития. "Во времена его, - говорит Белинский, - нам не нужно было народной поэзии; тогда великий вопрос - быть или не быть - заключался для нас не в народности, а в европеизме...
    4. Он был первым основателем русской поэзии и первым поэтом Руси". Действительно, в деле общего духовного - а вместе и литературного - возрождения России он был непосредственным продолжателем Петра Великого. Своими разнообразными учеными трудами, как и своими поэтическими произведениями, дал реформам Петра живое, фактическое приложение в области литературы и науки.
    5. Сын беломорского крестьянина-рыбака, 20-летним "болваном" кое-как попавший в учебное заведение, в дальнейшей своей деятельности в одно и то же время выступает физиком, химиком, геологом, поэтом, оратором, филологом, историком, даже публицистом. Для осуществления идей Петра в нём нашлись гигантские силы.
  • Слайд 9

    Михаил Васильевич Ломоносов

  • Слайд 10

    Вопрос 5

    1. Родился 17 июля 1817 года в Феодосии, умер 19 апреля 1900 года.
    2. Еще будучи мальчиком, обратил на себя внимание своими рисунками и попал в качестве пансионера в Академию Художеств в 1833 году
    3. Первым его учителем в области живописи "морских видов" был Филипп Тоннер, от которого он перенял необходимый для начала механизм писания воды, впоследствии оставленный им.
    4. Первой работой был "Этюд воздуха над морем", написанный в 1835 году, за который он получил первую серебряную медаль.
    5. Профессор живописи, лучший русский маринист, написавший известную во всём мире картину «Девятый вал»
  • Слайд 11

    Иван Константинович Айвазовский

  • Слайд 12

    Вопрос 6

    1. Происхождение его неизвестно в точности: по одному преданию, он был родом с берегов Камы (Черепановская летопись), по другому - уроженцем Качалинской станицы на Дону (Броневский).
    2. Одна летопись, считая имя его прозвищем, дает ему христианское имя Василий.
    3. Был сначала атаманом одной из многочисленных казацких шаек, разбойничавших на Волге и грабивших не только русских купцов и персидских послов, но и царские суда.
    4. Его соратниками были Иван Кольцо, Яков Михайлов, Никита Пан и Матвей Мещеряк.
    5. Первый завоеватель Сибири.
  • Слайд 13

    Ермак Тимофеевич

  • Слайд 14

    Вопрос 7

    1. Родился 1.02.1931 года в Свердловской области, Талицком районе, в селе Бутка.
    2. В Уральском политехническом институте он получил специальность инженера – строителя и работал тринадцать лет в тресте "Южгорстрой" в качестве мастера, прораба и главного инженера, а затем и начальника домостроительного комбината.
    3. Вступил в Компартию СССР в 1961 году. Далее с 1968 он работал на партийных должностях, возглавляя отдел строительства обкома партии Свердловска, а с 1975 года занял должность секретаря обкома и отвечал за промышленность в Свердловской области.
    4. Инициатор Беловежского соглашения, о создании СНГ.
    5. В мировую историю вошёл как первый президент России, политик, начавший рыночные реформы в стране.
  • Слайд 15

    Борис Николаевич Ельцин

  • Слайд 17

    Дмитрий Наркисович Мамин-Сибиряк

  • Слайд 18

    Вопрос 9

    1. Русский общественный и государственный деятель времён Александра I и Николая I, реформатор.
    2. Действительный член Императорской Российской академии (1831), почётный член Императорской Российской академии (1821-1831) и Императорской Академии наук (1819).
    3. Законотворец, основатель российской юридической науки и теоретического правоведения.
    4. Инициатор создания Государственного Совета в 1810 году.
    5. С 23 сентября 1812 г. по 19 сентября 1814 года отбывал ссылку в городе Перми. С сентября по октябрь 1812 года проживал в доме купца И. Н. Попова.
  • Слайд 19

    Михаил Михайлович Сперанский

  • Слайд 20

    Вопрос 10

    1. Выдающийся русский театральный деятель 1872-1929.
    2. Пропагандист русского искусства на родине и за рубежом.
    3. Семья в 1880 г. переехала в Пермь из п. Спас-Барда. В доме часто устраивались литературно-музыкальные вечера.
    4. Окончив пермскую гимназию, в 1890-1896 гг. поступил на юридический факультет Петербургского университета и одновременно учился в консерватории.
    5. С 1907 г. организует выступления русских артистов за границей так называемые Русские сезоны - симфонические концерты, гастроли русской оперы с участием Ф.И Шаляпина, балетов с участием А. Павловой, Т. Карсавиной, В. Нижинского и др. В постановке его спектаклей принимали участие русские музыканты, художники.
  • Слайд 21

    Сергей Павлович Дягилев

  • Слайд 22

    Вопрос 11

    1. Русский ученый-физик. 1859-1906.
    2. Родился в заводском поселке Туринские рудники Пермской губернии.
    3. Учился в пермской духовной семинарии (1873-1877), где серьезно занимался математикой и физикой. В 1882 г. блестяще окончил Петербургский университет и начал преподавать в минном офицерском классе в Кронштадте, где в лабораториях проводил опыты по практическому применению электротехники во флоте.
    4. В 1902 г. в Перми по его проекту была построена первая электростанция для освещения города, которая работала до 1934 г.
    5. Его исследования привели к изобретению беспроволочного телеграфа и осуществлению приема первой радиограммы. В 1895 г. демонстрировал первый в мире радиоприемник.
  • Слайд 23

    Александр Степанович Попов

  • Слайд 24

    Вопрос 12

    1. Русский географ, ботаник, статистик, государственный и общественный деятель.
    2. Родился 14 января 1827 года.
    3. Являлся вице-председателем и главой Русского географического общества (с 1873 года) и Русского энтомологического общества (с 1889 года).
    4. Инициатор ряда экспедиций в Центральную Азию.
    5. Руководил изданием многотомных сводок по географии России: "Географическо-статистический словарь Российской империи", "Россия. Полное географическое описание нашего отечества"
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