How to make money on Facebook?

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The question is how to make money on facebook, is of interest to many users of social networks, because with the development of information technology and the deep integration of the Internet into people's lives, this area has also begun to bring huge profits. Moreover, it is the worldwide network and various social services that today seem to be the most promising for building a profitable business.

To get the opportunity to have an income, you must first seriously work. It is impossible to make money on Facebook after registering your account and inviting a dozen friends to friends.

To organize a good income, you will have to work hard and hard on the promotion of a page or group, look for additional sources of profit, try new methods and ways.

Features of the functioning of the sucker

Compared to Vkontakte, Facebook today is not so highly developed and integrated with small businesses, so the competition here is lower, there is a chance to quickly unwind and get into the flow of successful entrepreneurs.

Primary requirements:

  • A quality page is an interesting account with a carefully completed questionnaire
  • A large number of friends
  • Constant update
  • Hot topic that will attract representatives of the target audience
  • Selection of the best methods of earning, taking into account the specifics of the page or group, interests, target audience, etc.

To understand how to make money on Facebook, you need to consider yourself specifics of work social network. There are pages and groups that are of interest to people - they come in, view information, read text, scroll through photos, watch videos. The number of users registered in social networks is in the millions, and all of them buy goods, use services, paying attention to advertising and various messages.

If you figure out what Facebook makes money on, then the answer will be obvious: on advertising. The social network itself is free - both during registration and in the process of being on the site, performing some actions, users do not pay anything. At the same time, the effectiveness of advertising placed on the pages in the form of individual messages or in the news format is very high.

Studies have shown that about 90% of users, by going to a company page, do not go to her official website, as they have enough information on the social network. Therefore, many well-known corporations create and maintain Facebook pages, while small corporations are completely limited only to them, without creating a separate resource.

Earning from the page

You can list how to make money on Facebook on your page for a long time, but the basic principle remains the same - with a large number of content views by representatives of the target audience, you can place ads on the page and receive money from advertisers.

So, if you bring simple calculations as an example, it turns out: for one advertising message on a good page with a large number of subscribers, the advertiser pays 500 rubles. They usually do not make more than 2-3 advertising publications per day (so as not to tire people) - the income is 1000-1500 rubles per day. That is, you can get more than 30,000 rubles a month just for posting a picture and text, which takes 5-10 minutes.

Naturally, everything is not so perfect: advertisers will not contact every day, the cost of advertising may be different, you will have to constantly work on the page (so that users do not leave, but are interested in constantly watching publications), etc. But there are many examples of successful business on the network, and with a huge number of subscribers, we will not be talking about hundreds of rubles, but thousands.

You can receive funds not only for the publication of information from advertisers (this is the most primitive option), there are many methods of them.

Ways to earn income:

2) Sale information courses, services under the terms of affiliate programs

3) Selling personal services / - consultations, finished products, coaching, webinars, etc.

4) Support page core business- links to the site, promotional offers, creating a company business card, etc.

To make the page interesting, you need to constantly add new content (videos, photos, music, interesting stories, links to useful resources), communicate with the audience, organize feedback, interact with other accounts on your own behalf, and hold contests. At all stages, you need to remember the target audience and take into account its interests.

Profit from the promotion of the group

When thinking about how to make money on a Facebook group, you need to immediately decide on the method and create groups on a social network already taking into account specific conditions and requirements.

Effective ways to generate income:

1) Resale - a group is created for the purpose of its further resale. In this case, the main role is played by such indicators: topic, number of users, activity. You can win subscribers with special services (but not recommended), you can actively advertise the group, constantly work to make the project interesting. The final price depends on the parameters of a particular community, but as an example, we can give a figure of $ 2,500 for a group of 15,000 people (English).

2) Advertising - a platform originally created for the placement of advertising messages. The number of users, topics, and the level of solvency of potential advertisers are also important here (for example, in the field of finance, advertising will be a priori more expensive than in the field of social housing, for example).

3) Traffic redirection- the main income of companies that promote the brand on the Internet. The group acts as a platform for publishing news, links to the official website, and resource support. Users read interesting content on the social network and go to the site, increasing its traffic, making profit from contextual advertising on the resource, etc.

4) Promotion of goods and services - own or large stores, which then pay a percentage of sales.

In order for a group to be successful and generate income, it must be properly managed: constantly maintain the interest of subscribers, establish communication with them, conduct contests and polls, and offer a variety of content.

Must be tracked user activity, analyze what they like best, what provides a greater conversion, etc. Only a thorough analysis and constant work on improving the content and increasing the popularity of the public will lead to success and allow you to use the network to the maximum.

Earning in other ways

Many users are not sure if it is possible to make money on Facebook: they register an account and a group, add a few pictures and quotes, invite friends, and then, with regret, stop using the social network in full confidence that there is no profit to be seen here. This approach really will not bring any result, since you will have to work a lot and constantly.

You can make a profit in a variety of ways - including on the YouTube channel: shoot videos and advertise various products in them, redirect users from Facebook to your channel, thus obtaining additional subscribers.

You can dedicate a page to a series, cinema in general, photo processing, music, etc. Anything that involves the need to download . Then the files (series, movies, presets for Lightroom or frames for Photoshop, music albums) are uploaded to the file hosting service and a link to them is sent from Facebook. You get paid for downloading files, if the number of downloaders is in the thousands, you can provide a good source of passive income.

You can approach making money on a social network from the other side - to complete tasks received on various services: join groups, earn on likes, comments, etc. Any activity on the social network can be well paid, just go to the exchange, register there and start completing tasks.

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