How to make your business successful, find out the answer from 5 real stories of entrepreneurs.

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5 stories of successful entrepreneurs that will help you get an answer to the question of how to organize a profitable and successful business.


Everyone thinks about how to improve the quality of their life, how to fulfill themselves, and "business" seems to be a pill for all problems. That's just the secret is not to start your own business, but to make the business successful and make a profit. Before considering such an urgent issue, it is worth immediately making a short summary and identifying 3 indicators of a successful business:

  • Reaching the breakeven point.
  • Living wage income.
  • Ensuring real profit.

This applies to undertakings in any field. It is an axiom, the statements offered to you do not require proof - they are tested by all entrepreneurs in practice, sometimes with blood and sweat. Most of the problems arise precisely because a novice businessman has no idea what “success” is and what it consists of, so we propose to dot the e. So that you do not have a feeling of illusory advice - each recommendation will be backed up by the personal experience of a real businessman, an entrepreneur who was able to succeed!

Because I love you!!!

This is not a recognition of a woman (or a man) - it is simply a necessary condition for everything that will be offered next to work! You should:

  1. Understand what you are doing.
  2. Love what you do!

A vivid example of this, Isabella Ritz - she is engaged in consulting - helps people create successful businesses, so the question is more than simple for her.

The business lady claims that there is no such thing as a super complex business. Just choose a feasible and understandable niche. Imagine: you went to pick mushrooms, and it’s logical if you don’t pick those that are a mystery to you, and later you won’t be able to cook them, moreover, you don’t understand whether they can be eaten, in principle.

Svetlana Kerimova continues this idea, she is a successful business woman, the owner of her own training center for family sexual education. She is convinced that it is necessary to do only what you not only understand, but also enjoy.

Video: Svetlana Kerimova's success algorithm

We are all actors in this world...

This statement also applies to the business environment. So, Mikhail Rybakov, who is the managing partner of the Business Systems Architecture company, identified several types of leaders:

  1. Architects are those people who are engaged in designing the construction of a business, developing goals, strategy, clarifying processes and overall structure.
  2. Firefighters - they do not have time for projects, as they constantly "put out fires", that is, they solve unforeseen difficulties.
  3. Managers.

The business owner does not choose the easiest path, and he must be able to combine 2 main roles: architect and manager. Of course, one should not lose sight of the design stage, and, unfortunately, many people lose sight of this moment, and then they are surprised that everything does not go according to the script, but someone has to write the script ... Just imagine the situation, that the builders just gathered in the field, and everyone began to build something of their own. Do you think they will get an elite mansion or a reliable stadium? This is a rhetorical question.

Nevertheless, many ignore all the comments and do everything “at random”, involuntarily leading themselves to the permanent role of a firefighter, however, this fire in the vast majority of cases cannot be extinguished, and sooner or later it burns the business to the ground.

Thus, commandment number 1 for all those who think about how to make a business successful and make a profit is to write a clear strategy, a business plan. To do this, it is not necessary to do everything alone - you can gather your like-minded people and together formalize and optimize all the subtleties (architecture) of the business.

You can say, but everyone has their own niche, however, as Alexei Burganov says, the essence always remains the same.

“No matter how strange it may sound, the methods and methods of doing business almost do not depend on the direction. The management of a sawmill or a store in a network is based on similar patterns. Accounting, HR, logistics, interaction with suppliers, customer acquisition, promotion - every entrepreneur faces this list of issues.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds? Or how to see the future of your business?

You don't need to go to a gypsy to strategize. It is enough to start from the following mandatory points that you need to see at least a little:

  • General vector of movement - where is your business going, what are you striving for? Seneca quite rightly said that a ship that does not have a pier has no chance of finding a favorable wind.
  • Prescribing goals for a certain number of years (or months?) Ahead.
  • Strategy for achieving the goals set (from paragraph No. 2). Everything is quite simple - do not complicate - ask yourself a certain sequence of steps that ultimately allow you to achieve what you want. Yes, this is the plan, which can be divided into blocks and chapters.
  • Creation of policy (principles).

All the above hypotheses are confirmed by Anna Alekseevna Kukshtel, head of the Frutto Bouquets company. She set up a fruit bouquet business.

Figure 3 Anna is the founder of the Frutto Bouquets company - she creates fruit compositions.

“After the idea itself was approved, we started working on a detailed study of the business plan, then an assistant was found, together we worked out a clear and step-by-step schedule. This document outlined the tasks of each of us and even indicated the deadlines. As a result, after 2 months we had a fully equipped production facility, a logo, along with a working online store.”

Development of business processes

There is a demand - there is a supply. Logically. That's just from this it follows that any business is focused primarily on the client. In other words, profits and, therefore, success in general depend on our clients. Here is such a simple chain, which leads us to the fact that it is imperative to optimize business processes within the framework of customer service.

A vivid example of this, if we take the restaurant business as an illustration:

Processes and their meaning

Use these tips, and you will see that success will not keep you waiting!

Additionally: Many successful business models you can learn from our

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